Support Groups

Supports groups offer a space for individuals with common experiences & concerns to provide each other with encouragement, comfort, and advice. Each group is facilitated by one of our trained clinicians & peers.

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A supportive space for women facing chronic reproductive health related conditions such as infertility, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrom (PCOS). As these conditions often seem invisible to others and may cause feelings of loneliness, building community is essential and healing. In this space, we will have the opportunity to connect as we discuss themes of self-worth, stigma, shame, comparison, and familial pressures.

Dates and Times:

Wednesdays, Oct 16th, Oct 23rd, Oct 30th, & Nov 6th -> 5:30pm - 6:30pm PST

You can sign up for all the sessions (highly recommended) or choose the dates you're able to attend.

"Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."

- Barbara Katz Rothman

This support group will provide a safe space and support for Muslim women to openly discuss their postpartum experience, build community with fellow moms, and learn tangible stratetgies to become strong, resilient mothers. The group will focus on women 0-12 months postpartum to address the most acute challenges of motherhood, including birth experiences/trauma, postpartum mental health, and support structures. The goal of the group is to encourage postpartum Muslim women to share their throughts, feelings, and/or concerns in a safe and empowering environment.

Dates and Times:

Saturdays, Oct 12th. Oct 19th, Oct 25th. Nov 2nd 11am - 12pm PST

You can sign up for all the sessions (highly recommended) or choose the dates you're able to attend.